Short, Medium and Long-term Consultancy
NCfLB team of associates offer a range of expertise, resulting from significant experience working in schools and other education or chidcare settings, in all aspects of:
- national, regional and local policy, strategy and guidance formation and implementation
- leadership at all levels in schools and other education / childcare settings
- learning behaviour and attendance improvement
- social emotional and behavioural development
- violent behaviour reduction
- monitoring and evaluating learning and violent behaviour
- equity and inclusion
- Parent / Carer education
In each of these areas NCfLB has developed a reputation for developing policies, strategies and cascade training at school, regional and national levels and working with a diverse range of partners, including:
- The Council of Europe
- UNICEF & the United Nations
- Hong Kong Institute of Education
- National governments (e.g. Romania, China, Turkey, FYR Macedonia)
According to the requirements of our clients we supply seminars, workshops and keynote speeches, but our preferred way of working is to support clients needs over a period of time by ensuring the effective cascading of training to enable improved learning for pupils in a safe and secure environment.